Women´s perception of traumatic birth: a qualitative study

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes a “positive childbirth experience” as a significant end point for all women undergoing labor. It defines a positive childbirth experience as one that fulfils or exceeds a woman’s prior personal and sociocultural beliefs and expectations, including giving birth to a healthy baby in a clinically and psychologically safe environment…

My body does not forget

By Esther Ramírez Matos, perinatal psychologist and family therapist My body spoke to me again, last night while I was calmly reading a novel about maternity. As a traumatic birth was described, after which mother and infant were separated, I felt an intense pain in my pelvic area; I had not been so uncomfortable in…

PTSD and obstetric violence

by Ibone Olza, MD, PhD Originally Published in Midwifery Today Int Midwife. 2013 Spring;(105):48-9, 68 Childbirth can be a traumatic event for many women. Different studies have found a high prevalence of trauma symptoms following childbirth. In a British study, up to a third of all women reported that labour was traumatic and that they…