Psychology and Neuroscience of Breastfeeding, an introductory course – 2nd online edition

After great reviews and comments of the first edition, we are proud to launch the second edition of our Psychology and Neuroscience of Breastfeeding training course, directed by Ibone Olza, MD, PhD, perinatal psychiatrist and Carmela K Baeza, MD, IBCLC.   The training focuses on the most updated neuroscience and psychological aspects of breastfeeding and the mother-baby interaction from…

Olga Gouni: “Our prenatal life influences us throughout life; Being aware makes us free”

Interview with Olga Gouni, director of Cosmoanelixis. psychotherapist and researcher specialized in Prenatal Psychology. Professor at the University of Kapodistrian, Greece; editor of the magazine: The International Journal of Prenatal & Life Sciences; author of the books “100 years of Prenatal Psychology” and “Stories from Embryoland”, among others. Olga holds a masterclass on 25th and…