by Ibone Olza
Every time there is a catastrophe I cannot help thinking about the babies, the mothers, the pregnant women, haw how they all will fare.
Now that Australia burns, I watch the news with sadness and worry… I think it is crucial that we share the information that people like professor and lactivist Karleen Gribble and the Australian Breastfeeding Association have put together to guarantee safe breastfeeding and nutrition for babies.
Karleen wrote in a Facebook post:
“We are so reliant on our infrastructure to keep our infant formula dependent babies safe. Parents and caregivers should be encouraged to have an emergency kit for their baby that contains everything needed to feed them without access to power or mains water. Breastfeeding mothers should be encouraged to avoid stopping breastfeeding until after the summer emergency season has passed.”
Among other things, Karleen y Nina Berry have developed the idea of an emergency kit for breastfeeding and feeding infants, (which did not exist, although there was one for dogs and other pets), which includes this information:
All that is needed to feed a baby for three days, without wáter or electricity. We never know when we might also need it around here…
In any case, the images also help us see how sustainable breastfeeding is when compared to other methods.
Gribble insist in what is most important: that those professionals who attend catastrophes and emergencies must be knowledgeable about breastfeeding and infant feeding, to assure that those most fragile, vulnerable ones – babies – receive the best care.
Read complete guidelines at:
Karleen Gribble, Mary Peterson & Decalie Brown