#youarenotabadmother if parenting makes you feel exhausted or discouraged. Our modern social networks do not understand the needs of these first years.
Maternity support should be a public health policy.
We need true respect for childhood and an economic investment for its support – let´s care for mothers.
Many recent mothers feel that “they do nothing all day”. Others don´t understand why they feel so tired. Caring for an infant, breastfeeding, is a full time job – not 9 to 5, but 24/7. Not only do recent mothers spend ample physical time with their babies, but also their thoughts are almost constantly on mothering.
To respond in a sensitive, caring way to the infant, to be available, means being there physically – holding, cuddling, changing diapers, feeding, walking… During the first months, the baby specifically has more need of the mother than of the father. Bringing up a baby is much easier with the support of a father or partner, to share in the daily strife not particularly of baby care, but of household chores and –specially – the taxing mental preoccupation. It is also extremely helpful to have a network of mothers around, be it grandmothers, aunts, sisters, friends, cousins… women who will not judge but offer practical support.
#youarenotabadmother if parenting makes you feel exhausted or discouraged. Our modern social networks do not understand the needs of these first years.
Original illustration by @kentackettart
Other interesting reads:
Positive effect of maternity leave on attachment and quality of mother–child interactions
Kangaroo care in term infants favors neurodevelopment and emotional regulation