#youarenotabadmother if you suffered the loss of your baby. There are multiple reasons for perinatal loss: it is not your fault.
Perinatal loss and grief are often minimized or hidden. Families that experience loss have the right to express their grief and be respected – let´s care for mothers.
The loss of a pregnancy or of a newborn infant is probably one of the most traumatic experiences a mother, and a father, can go through. Added to the grief of loss, there are often other feelings that may be hard to manage: guilt, anguish because sadness does not recede, feelings of inadequacy or fear of not being able to have children.
Our society is not one that easily faces death. Health care providers who attend losses are often not well prepared to cope with a mother´s grief or a father´s pain. In many cases, even family, friends or colleagues minimize the pain of loss – therefore taking away the chance for a healthy grief process.
Grief over a perinatal loss that is not allowed to express itself may become more complicated over time, harder to integrate as an experience that may offer personal growth. It may impact maternal mental health, hurt the couple relationship and create fear of subsequent pregnancies.
#youarenotabadmother if you suffered the loss of your baby. There are multiple reasons for perinatal loss: it is not your fault.
Original illustration by @kentackettart
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