[Foto: the team from Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, receiving the award for best oral presentation. With Carmela Baeza, IBCLC, profesor at EIPMH (second from the left)]
The European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health is proud to announce this year´s winners of two grants on research projects about Breastfeeding and Mental Health. The awards were given on behalf of the Institute during the X Spanish Conference on Breastfeeding organized by IHAN (BFHI – Breastfeeding-Friendly Hospital Initiative of Spain) celebrated April 4th to 6th, 2019 in Santiago de Compostela, where our director Ibone Olza had the honor of giving the opening conference.
These two awards, for best oral presentation and best poster communication, aim to showcase our firm commitment to improve maternal and infant health care, as well as honor the many hospital teams that wish to make their daily work an outstanding one, supporting breastfeeding and providing the best possible care to mothers and babies.
The award for best oral presentation went to the team from Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, with the following title:
- Perinatal mental disorder and breastfeeding: promoting best practices in the Mother-Baby Daycare Unit at Hospital Clinic, Barcelona.
Andrès Perpiñá, Susana; Naranjo, Carmen; Sanchez, Paula; Monte, Sonia; Roda, Ester, Roca Lecumberri, Alba; Fernández, Noemí; Torres, Anna; Sureda, Barbara; García-Esteve, Lluisa.
Hospital Clinic, Barcelona. Perinatal Mental Health Unit. University of Barcelona.
The award for the best poster communication went to the Eoxi Ferrol team:
- Decision making on the feeding of newborns: mothers´ experiential construct.
Pita García, Paula; Movilla Fernandez, María Jesús; Novio Mallón, Silvia; Suarez Cotela, M. del Carmen
Eoxi Ferrol. Galician Health Service. University of A Coruña. University of Santiago.
We honor and celebrate the two award- winning teams for their excellent work, and thank Carmela Baeza, physician and certified lactation consultant IBCLC, professor at the Institute, who represented us during the award ceremony.
About The European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health EIPMH
The EIPMH is a Madrid based company with global reach, dedicated to providing specialized training for healthcare professionals. (in Spanish).
We advocate for improvement in the care that families receive throughout the perinatal period, including their mental health needs. We particularly advocate through our blog and social networks to promote wellbeing and prevent perinatal mental disorders and to educate both the general public and professionals.
Since 2014 we have supported over 2.000 professionals with various backgrounds from more than 20 different countries.